Tuesday, April 21, 2009


So many things whirling around in my mind! Melanie leaving home for North Carolina then less than a week later calling me to tell me that my baby will be having a baby in another country where her mommy can't help out like she would like. But, oh, the adventure! Watch out you guys, with a name that means adventurous, Ferynne is already calling the shots and the United States is too boring of a place to be born I guess. I just keep reminding myself that God is the ultimate provider and He will take better care of them than I could. Thank you both (Derek and Melanie) for dreaming big and stepping out into His beautiful creation to live big. Two passages of scripture come to mind Philipians 3:13b-14 but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. I press toard the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. and Philipians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Live big you guys and always keep God your center and know that there is someone here who is always praying for your wellbeing and walk with God.

I am still processing everything. And yes I have been online to find out how much a ticket to Germany will cost. With Amanda and Bo also having a baby, Andrew graduating and trying to get into OSU, Jadeon turning four, Craig turning 42 (Grandpa!!! ha ha), garden season starting, change is on the horizon and it is coming at us all fast! Thank you Lord for not ever changing and being our constant in these crazy times. I am looking forward to all of these changes, I just hope I can be a constant for my family like God is for me. Well off I go to make sense of this wonderfully crazy life. My love to all my family and extended family too!